Your minute and a half starts now...
Many of you would have heard this terrifying sentence during the sight-reading section in the UK ABRSM Exams. A minute and a half can be both plenty of time AND not enough time, depending on what you do with it. I always encourage my students to use this time in the most effective way possible, so together we've came-up with a top 10 checklist for sight-reading:
1) Check the key signature and note the sharps and flats
2) Note the time signature
3) Check the beginning notes in both hands and find them on the keyboard
4) Find the octaves in which your starting notes are
5) Scan the piece for additional sharps and flats in the music
6) Take note of the dynamics
7) Check the articulations (such as legato and staccato)
8) Check the note values
9) Scan for any rests
10) Check the ending notes in both hands and find them on the keyboard
Now time is up and you are all ready to play!